Fire Ant Control Services
Fire ants are a serious problem that can damage your lawn, but don't worry, Guaranteed Green is here to help. Fire ants, whether black or red, are highly invasive and can create mounds anywhere they want to, such as the middle of your lawn, next to the sidewalk, or even on the roots of a tree. We can work with you to eliminate these pests and make your property safe for play or picnics once again.
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Preventing Fire Ant Infestations
Fire ants’ stings are venomous and can cause serious allergic reactions or secondary infections. Small children and pets who frequent the yard may not even notice when a mound is close by, so it’s important to take measures to prevent fire ants from taking over your lawn. While home remedies may not work and expensive sprays can be toxic and harmful to your lawn, we offer safe and effective fire ant treatments that are guaranteed to help rid you of these pests.
Flea & Tick Control
Fire Ant Control
Our Fire Ant Program
Protect Your Family with Guaranteed Green
At Guaranteed Green, our team of licensed trained professionals can maintain all of your lawn care needs. Call us at (770) 599-2774 to get started with your new service. When you call, expect to talk to a knowledgeable industry professional who truly cares about your needs. Let us protect you and your family from the dangers of fire ants.